Start studying Anatomy written sample. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. T/F The acetabulum is located cranial from the incisura ischiadica minor. T. Which species have/has facies lunata pars major et minor? Bo. On which side of which bone is the tuberositas deltoidea located? Lateral. art
Incisura - Wikipedia Incisura is Latin for "notch", and may refer to: Incisura, a genus of keyhole limpets; Angular incisure, which varies somewhat in position with the state of distension of the viscus; Suprascapular notch, a notch in the superior border of the scapula, just medial to the base of the coracoid process Topographical Anatomy of the Lower Limb - Univerzita Karlova Topographical Anatomy of the Lower Limb. Click here for printable version Lokomotorni sistem - Sportska medicina - Teorija sporta ... Gornja ivica je ispupčena i odgovara karličnom grebenu (crista iliaca). Na zadnjoj ivici vide se dva ureza, veliki i mali sedalni urez (incisura ischiadica major et minor) između kojih se nalazi sedalna bodlja (spina ischiadica). Donja ivica pozadi prelazi u hrapavo sedalno ispupčenje (tuber ischiadicum). Stedman's Online | Browse | inac – Indian ginger
Nauchimo nesto o nashim kostima | Ortopedija i fizikalna ... Mar 14, 2009 · Gornja ivica je ispupčena i odgovara karličnom grebenu (crista iliaca). Na zadnjoj ivici vide se dva ureza, veliki i mali sedalni urez (incisura ischiadica major et minor) između kojih se nalazi sedalna bodlja (spina ischiadica). Donja ivica pozadi prelazi u hrapavo sedalno ispupčenje (tuber ischiadicum). (PDF) Macro-anatomical investigations of the skeletons of ... Macro-anatomical investigations of the skeletons of the African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus Waterhouse 1840) II: Fore limb (incisura ischiadica major) and tuberositas teres major et COLUMNA VERTEBRALIS (chrbtica) linea glutea anterior, posterior et inferior spina iliaca posterior superior et inferior fossa iliaca linea arcuata incisura ischiadica major os ischii corpus ossis ischii ramus ossis ischii tuber ischiadicum incisura ischiadica minor spina ischiadica os pubis corpus ossi pubis ramus superior et inferior ossis pubis foramen obturatum What does incisura mean? definition, meaning and audio ...
et infraspinata. 6) m. supraspinatus, m. infraspinatus, m. teres minor, m. teres major, m. Hiatus axillaris med. et lat. képletei és határai: 1-m. teres ischiadicum minus-on (incisura ischiadica minoron) keresztül a m. obturator internus ina incisura ischiadica major. 84 escotadura ciàtica menor f escotadura ciática menor f lesser sciatic notch n incisura ischiadica minor. 85 esfenoide m hueso esfenoides m sphenoid n sphenoid bone n ball and socket joint n spheroidal joint n. Ontogénèse de l'os coxal et détermination sexuelle : l'importance de l'ilium. [ article] Région de Vincisura ischiadica major[link]. IV. Incisura ischiatica major Sex determination of infant and juvenile skeletons : I. Morphognostic features. (ischialis) major. Large notch between the post- erior inferior iliac spine and the ischial spine. B. 7 Lesser sciatic notch. Incisura ischiadica. (ischialis) minor. вырезка вертлужной впадины - incisura acetabuli. полулунная поверхность ischiadica minor. большая седалищная вырезка - incisura ischiadica major.
9.Incisura Ischiadica Major [IIM] Inbuktning mellan SIPI och Spina Ischiadica. 10.Spina Ischiadica [SIA] Utskjutande bentagg mellan Incisura Ischiadica Major et Minor. 11. Tuber Ischiadicum [TIC] Sittbensknöl, benknöl belägen vid undre ändan av Incisura Ischiadica Minor. 12. Os Ischi; Ischium. Sittben, ingår som del i acetabulum. Incisura - definition of incisura by The Free Dictionary Define incisura. incisura synonyms, incisura pronunciation, incisura translation, English dictionary definition of incisura. Noun 1. incisura - a notch or small hollow incisure mandibular notch - small indentation in the middle of the lower jawbone anatomy, general anatomy - the Incisura synonyms, incisura antonyms - Synonyms for incisura in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for incisura. 1 synonym for incisura: incisure. What are synonyms for incisura? Incisura financial definition of incisura Definition of incisura in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is incisura? Meaning of incisura as a finance term.
The medial border meets the opposite bone at the symphysis isehii. The lateral border is thick and rounded, but concave in its length; it forms the lesser sciatic notch (Incisura ischiadica minor), the lower boundary of the lesser sciatic foramen. The antero-medial angle or symphyseal branch (Ramus symphyseos) Crest of ilium Grooves for iliaco-